Restaurants Payments

Contactless Dining: How POS Systems are Adapting to Changing Customer Preferences

Satheesh Kanchi
July 13, 2024
1 mins

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Remember when COVID-19 got everyone super anxious about health and safety? Well, nearly 60% of folks got worried about eating out, and 20% decided to skip restaurants altogether! The result: contactless dining became the go-to choice for diners. After all, it lets you order and pay for your meal without having to interact with staff at all. 

So, point-of-sale (POS) systems are stepping up to cater to contactless dining. Let's find out more!

The Rise of Contactless Dining 

Before the pandemic, contactless dining was a cool but niche option, mostly used by tech-savvy people in big cities. Popular food franchises like Starbucks kicked things off with mobile ordering and payments. This allowed customers to skip the lines and grab their orders quickly.

As the pandemic hit, contactless dining became the new normal. For example, Chipotle added more contactless delivery options, like a digital-only restaurant. Platforms like Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub saw a huge boom as everyone turned to online ordering.

Now, post-pandemic, contactless dining is still going strong. Over half of Americans are making contactless payments. Restaurants are keeping up with the trend. They're rolling out QR code menus and touchless payment systems to make dining out even more hassle-free. 

As customers keep aiming for safety, convenience, and a dash of speed, the craving for contactless dining and payments is set to keep increasing. 

Innovations in POS Systems to Transform the Dining Experience 

POS systems have leveled up to keep up with contactless dining. They now have all these cool features to make dining experiences way more convenient and safer. Here's how:

Mobile Ordering

Customers can use their phones, browse through all the options on the menu, place their orders, and even pay. The best part? They can do it all without touching a physical menu or having too much face-to-face chit-chat. Mobile POS improves efficiency and cuts wait times.

Touchless Payments

Customers can use their NFC cards or Apple Pay on their smartphones to settle the bill. No need to fumble with cash or even swipe a card—just a quick tap, and you receive the payment!

QR Code Menus

Imagine QR codes as portals to your menu! Your customers can just scan the code using their smartphones and get the menu right at their fingertips. No more flipping through sticky physical menus that need constant cleaning. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Contactless Dining in Your Restaurant

Here’s the lowdown on how to set up a contactless dining system and keep your customers satisfied:

1. Get Your POS System Sorted

Pick a POS system that's all about that contactless functionality. This mostly includes mobile ordering and touchless payments. Make sure it integrates well with your current setup. Also, it should have super-useful backend features for handling orders.

2. Digitize Your Menu

Create a digital menu on your website or app. Add in high-resolution pictures of your dishes, along with their prices and descriptions. Keep it so user-friendly that anybody could navigate it.

3. Create Custom QR Codes for Your Menu

Generate QR codes linked to your digital menu items. Stick these codes prominently on tables or where your customers enter. They can take out their phones, scan away, and go to your online menu. 

4. Set Up Contactless Payment Processing

Whether it's NFC-enabled cards, mobile wallets (e.g., Apple Pay), or QR code payments, set it up in your POS system. Display your accepted methods loud and clear. This way, customers can pay without cash.

Remember ease, convenience, and hygiene! Customers these days want clean and hassle-free dining experiences. So, make sure your setup checks those boxes to keep them coming back.

Why Your Restaurant Needs Contactless Dining Now

Contactless dining technology can help restaurants cater to what today's diners want: safe, efficient, and smooth dining experiences. Here are some key advantages:

1. Safe and Germ-Free Dining

Contactless dining solutions cut down on staff-customer interactions. This lowers the risk of passing around any unwanted viruses. The result: a cleaner, safer dining experience. Customers appreciate these measures. After all, they feel extra secure and cozy, knowing their health is a top priority.

2. Better Customer Experience

With contactless dining, your customers can browse through a digital menu with images and detailed descriptions. They can even check out dietary info—all at their own speed. On top of that, online ordering makes placing the order easy, just the way your customers like it. So no more mix-ups or misunderstandings. This level of customization ensures the ordered meal is exactly what your customer wants.

3. Faster Service and Table Turnover

Contactless dining lets customers pre-order and get real-time updates on table availability. The result: no more crowding at the host stand. Diners can skip the old-school ordering and payment hassle by doing it all from their smartphones. This also helps you serve more guests faster, which means more revenue potential for your business.

4. Boost Check Sizes

Your digital menus can subtly nudge customers towards popular or high-margin items. With strategic menu placement and suggestive selling techniques, you can tempt diners with perfect pairings and irresistible offers. Plus, mobile ordering can push impulse buys. It can make your customers add extra items to their orders. So, while they enjoy a stress-free meal, your sales may get a boost.

5. Better Data Collection and Analytics

Did you know that modern POS systems do more than just process payments? From what your customers love to order and when they love to dine to which menu items are total hits, these systems give you the inside scoop. That means, with restaurant analytics, you can tweak your menu, adjust prices, and adjust your staff. When you meet customer expectations more effectively, the results are better operational efficiency and increased profitability.

Contactless Dining Pitfalls: What You Need to Know

Contactless dining has its perks, no doubt! But before you get into new POS systems, be ready for a few challenges along the way:

Potential Challenges in Adopting New POS Systems

Change Management 

There could be some initial resistance from your staff. Change can be challenging, and they might need some time to adjust to new processes and workflows. Don't be surprised if there are productivity dips. With patience and proper training, everyone will be aligned with contactless technology.

Pro tip: This change can get easier when your POS system is easy to use. That's where OneHubPOS comes in. It's got customizable features, a user-friendly interface, and top-notch security. This makes it the ultimate partner for your business. 

Integration with Legacy Systems

Trying to match new POS systems with your old-school legacy setups can sometimes lead to compatibility issues. Smooth integration ensures your operations stay flawless without any hiccups.

Skill Upgrade Requirements

Getting your staff up to speed on the advanced features of the new POS system might take a bit of effort. They'll need to get comfortable with contactless ordering for restaurants using mobile ordering, touchless payments, and QR codes. 

Tips for Smooth Integration and Training Staff

These challenges with contactless ordering for restaurants might seem tough, but don't worry. We've got the solutions for restaurants to tackle them head-on:

Comprehensive Training Programs

Set up structured training sessions for your staff on the new POS system. Get hands-on with contactless restaurant ordering. Show them interactive tutorials and practice sessions. Plus, keep the support flowing with regular refresher courses. 

Phased Implementation

Take it slow and steady. Start with pilot testing in a few spots or during off-peak times. This way, you can iron out any issues, troubleshoot, and fine-tune everything before going all-in. 

Employee Involvement and Feedback

Get everyone involved by asking for their thoughts and feedback. Talk, brainstorm, and tackle any challenges. The more you communicate and work together, the easier it'll be to adopt contactless dining technology.

Types of Contactless Dining Solutions 

There have been some amazing ways restaurants are adapting to what customers want and need. Here's how:

1. Contactless Off-Premise Dining: Delivery and Takeout

When it comes to delivery, restaurants either team up with delivery services or handle it themselves. Customers just order online, set their delivery preferences, and pay electronically in a flash.

On the other hand, in takeout, customers order meals online or by phone, and then pick them up at the restaurant's designated takeout area. The payment is usually settled online or with a quick tap at pickup. Takeout lets customers enjoy restaurant-quality food in the comfort of their own homes.

Starbucks has mobile order-only stores so that customers don’t have to wait in line. They just order ahead using the Starbucks app and grab their meals.

2. Curbside Pickup to Limit Person-to-Person Contact

Some restaurants have designated pickup zones or parking spots where customers can retrieve their orders without setting foot inside. When they arrive, they just ping the restaurant on their phone or app. Then, a staff member comes with their order right to their car. 

Take Chick-fil-A, for example. They’ve extended their mobile drive-thru lanes and put on QR codes for customers to scan. 

3. Contactless Menus and Ordering

Restaurants these days are ditching old-school paper menus for digital versions. Customers can access them with a simple QR code scan or through dedicated mobile apps. Best part? These digital menus get updated in real time. Thus, customers always know about the latest specials and promotions.

Moreover, customers can place their orders right from their phone using the restaurant's app or their mobile-friendly website. They can customize their meals. This reduces any mix-ups that might happen with traditional ordering methods.

Take Panera Bread, for instance. At their US locations, customers can use the Panera Mobile App to order their favorite items right from their table. No more waiting in line.

4. Contactless Payments

Near-field communication (NFC) technology makes paying easy for customers. It is as simple as tapping a smartphone or contactless card on the POS terminal. It's secure, efficient, and keeps transactions quick.

Some contactless payment restaurants use QR codes. Customers scan a QR code on their bill or at the payment terminal. It takes them to a secure payment gateway. There, they can pay with their mobile wallets or linked accounts without any fuss.

There are plenty of big-name restaurants with contactless payment across the US, such as Burger King, Domino's, Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, and Wendy's.

5. Contactless Feedback

Some restaurants let customers give feedback on their dining experience through mobile apps or email surveys. They can rate how epic their burger was, drop some comments, and even give ideas for making things even more awesome—all of this without the need for physical comment cards or in-person surveys.

Take Shake Shack, for example. They've leveled up with QR codes and personalized digital survey links. Customers just tap or click to give their reviews. This move lets the company keep tabs on how they're doing and measure all key performance parameters.

Future Trends in Contactless Dining 

Contactless dining and restaurant technology will see continued innovation and adoption of new technologies to improve customer experiences and operational efficiencies. Here's what's cooking:

Expansion of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Restaurants will use AR and VR to improve their customer experience. AR menus can show digital images and information right before the customer. So they can visualize the dishes before ordering. On the other hand, VR allows for immersive dining experiences or virtual tours of restaurants.

Integration of AI and Machine Learning

Around 30% of eateries are using chatbots for automated customer chats. Plus, 54% of fast-food joints are preparing for AI-powered predictive ordering. Restaurants have seen a 15% boost in online orders with AI! 

Restaurants are eyeing AI and machine learning to analyze order histories and dining habits to create personalized recommendations, deals, and menu tweaks. On top of that, AI is predicting when the lunch rush hits or when that special dessert sells out. This helps restaurants stock up smartly. 

Enhanced Contactless Payment Solutions

The way we pay has been getting fancier over the last few years. So, expect touchless payment systems to keep evolving. It can get even more secure, faster, and easier to use. Plus, blockchain might ensure everything is transparent and traceable when paying for meals.

Wrapping Up: Contactless Dining is Here to Stay

People want safer, quicker dining options, and restaurants are stepping up with contactless dining. High-tech solutions like AR and VR are making dining out an experience. AI and machine learning are even getting in on the action, making personalized service a reality. NFC and QR codes are making transactions smoother. 

Restaurants going all-in on these innovations aren't just keeping customers safe and happy; they're setting themselves up for big-time success.

You’ve got to check out OneHubPOS for top-notch contactless dining solutions! Its super sleek dashboard puts control right at your fingertips. You can update your menu, edit items, and manage inventory anytime, anywhere. And your customers will absolutely love the convenience. Happier customers bring in even more customers and better revenue.

Want to woo your diners with a fantastic contactless dining experience? Chat with our experts today!

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Satheesh Kanchi
CEO & Founder - OneHubPOS

Satheesh Kanchi is the Founder and CEO of OneHubPOS, He is the restaurateur behind several popular Indian restaurants in California and India. He started his career as a technology CEO, bringing that same level and learnings innovation and drive to the restaurant industry.

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