Restaurant Ops

7 Tips You Can Learn From To Reduce Wait Time & Run Smooth Restaurant Operations

Sahana Ananth
September 4, 2024
1 mins

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Nobody likes to wait, especially when hungry and a tasty meal is just out of reach. Nearly 40% of customers wait 15 to 30 minutes for a table at a restaurant in the US, and their patience wears thin beyond that. The quicker you can seat your customers, the happier they are.

But it's easier said than done; finding the right ways to reduce wait time may be challenging. 

Implementing POS solutions is a simple fix for cutting down on long waiting lines. Known for streamlining orders and payments, these systems can reduce customers' waiting time and increase your revenue. 

In this blog, we'll cover how POS systems can enhance your service speed and how you can easily optimize your restaurant's wait times.

Restaurant Operations: Understanding Wait Time Reduction and Optimization

Focusing on wait time reduction and optimization in restaurant operations minimizes the time customers spend waiting for a table, their order, or checkout and enhances their perception of the wait. 

A fine dining experience with elegantly plated food and wine glasses

For example, as a restaurant aiming to improve wait time experience, you might use a reservation system that updates customers in real-time about their wait status via a mobile app. This way, you can improve the perception of customers waiting and make them stay longer. 

Here are some benefits of wait time management:

  • Increased Table Turnover: Quick table allocation and quicker order processing increase the number of customers you serve within a time frame.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customers appreciate short wait times, and when they get consistent, well-handed wait times, they’ll more likely come back.
  • Streamlined Operations: Wait time optimization process fine-tunes your entire kitchen and front-of-house operations. 
  • Reduced Walkouts: Customers are less likely to leave due to long waits, ensuring more stable daily sales.

Benefits of Optimizing Checkout Processes

Apart from churning more revenue, optimizing wait time reduction benefits your restaurant in multiple ways:

  1. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Three women enjoying a casual gathering with wine and snacks on a table.

Customers feel their time is valued when wait times are short. Nobody likes to sit around waiting for hours for their food. When wait times are cut down, whether for a table, the food, or the check, customers have a smoother dining experience. According to a study by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, wait times are one of the main drivers of customer satisfaction. Customers who have to wait for a longer time than expected are 18% less satisfied. 

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Less wait time means the tables get cleared and ready for new guests faster, giving diners more time to enjoy a meal over a day. On the restaurant operations side, shorter waits allow your staff to manage their tasks more effectively. They spend less time managing queues and more time attending to customer needs.

  1. Improved Sales and Revenue

54% of diners say a table wait time over 30 minutes would deter them from visiting a restaurant. A quick and smooth checkout process means you can turn tables faster. Line busting solutions, self serve kiosk solutions are some best alternatives that gives you a bump in revenue. 

Key Features of POS Systems for Reducing Wait Times

Optimizing restaurant operations like the checkout process is easier than you think, given you're using the right POS system. Let's take a look at some POS system features that are essential for it:

  1. Fast Transaction Processing

The restaurant POS you're choosing must have reliable transaction processing capabilities. Offline payment capability is an added advantage and makes you unstoppable. When a POS system executes payments quickly, it cuts down the time each customer spends at the checkout and leaves your customers happy.

A customer making a contactless payment at a cafe counter

Key functionalities you need to look for in your POS systems:

  • Support multiple payment methods, including cards, mobile wallets, and EBT.
  • Provides customers with a touch-free and hassle-free contactless payment experience.
  • Capabilities for bill splitting, cash and card split, and tip adjustment will minimise server errors.
  • EMV compliance and secure processing protect the restaurant and its customers from payment fraud.
  1. Inventory Management Integration

This feature ensures that every ingredient in your menu items is available when needed so that no delays occur when items are out of stock. It monitors your stock levels and tells you when supplies are running low. It can also automatically reorder essentials for you. 

Some essential features to look for in restaurant inventory management:

  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking: The system should update stock levels instantly as ingredients are used.
  • Reorder Points and Low Stock Alerts: Set minimum stock levels and receive automatic notifications to reorder based on usage projections.
  • Supplier and Purchase Order Management: It consolidates all supplier data and order histories in one place for streamlined operations.
  • FIFO and Shelf Life Alerts: Ensure the freshness of ingredients with FIFO tracking and keep tabs on expiration dates with shelf life alerts.
  1. Mobile POS Capabilities

A mobile POS system lets customers complete transactions from anywhere on the premises. Your staff can process payments at the table, in line, or outside during events, so your customers don't have to stand in queues at a fixed checkout location. 

With digital receipt options and instant payment processing capabilities, the mPOS system cuts down on the steps required to complete a transaction.

Some key features of a restaurant mPOS system include:

  • Portability: Equip staff with tablets or smartphones to conduct transactions anywhere.
  • Barcode Scanning: Use the built-in camera or an attached barcode scanner to check out items quickly.
  • Versatile Payment Options: Accept various payment methods, including credit cards, NFC payments, and mobile wallets, to cater to all customer preferences.
  • Customer Management: Access customer data, order history, and preferences to personalize the service and speed up transactions.
  1. Real-time Data Analytics

Real-time data analytics goes beyond traditional transaction processing by delivering insights right when you need them. It captures every transaction and customer interaction as they happen. 

You get a live data feed that provides a clear picture of what's happening in your restaurant at any moment. For example, it can show you which menu items are selling fast today, which tables are turning over quickly, and where bottlenecks are developing. 

If a particular dish is causing delays because of prep time, you may promote a quicker-to-prepare alternative. 

7 Must-Know Tips to Reduce Wait Times with POS Systems

Reducing wait times in your restaurant can feel like a major challenge, but getting it right can also bring great rewards. Here are 7 tips to reduce wait times:

  1. Streamline Order Processing

Streamlining order processing is the first and easiest way to reduce wait time. One powerful tool to achieve this is the use of barcode scanners. Adding QR code technology lets your staff quickly scan items and speed up the entire checkout process.

Pro-tip: Your product categorization also plays a key role in wait time optimization. When menu items are well-organized and logically grouped, customers will find it easy and more convenient to place their order without unnecessary delays.

  1. Enhance Employee Training

When adept at navigating the POS system, employees can handle orders, payments, and customer queries much more efficiently. Training should focus on every aspect of the POS system, from processing transactions and managing inventory to applying for promotions and handling returns. 

Schedule quarterly training with POS service providers. Make sure that all employees are comfortable with these functions so that you avoid potential delays that can occur from misuse or a lack of knowledge. Also, regular updates and refreshers are necessary to keep staff updated with system upgrades or new features that could further optimize service speed and accuracy.

  1. Utilize Mobile POS Solutions

With servers using mobile devices for tableside ordering, common errors linked to old-school paper tickets are drastically reduced. It provides a direct-to-kitchen transmission that streamlines the entire ordering process.

Additionally, tableside payment processing speeds up transactions as servers can finalize bills right at the table, avoiding the back-and-forth of traditional payment methods.

  1. Implement Self-Service Kiosks

No matter the type of dining spot you run, from a quick-service place to a fine dining restaurant, installing kiosks can make a big difference. These self-service kiosks let your customers take charge right from the start. 

They can pick their tables, look through the menu, order their meals, and even pay, all on their schedule, without needing to wait for staff assistance. Plus, with tablet kiosks at the table, guests can order another round of drinks or pay their bills whenever they're ready.

  1. Optimize Menu and Product Layout

An optimally designed menu guides customers smoothly through their choices, reducing decision time and increasing satisfaction. To this end, you can position your most profitable items in areas where customers naturally focus first—typically the center and top corners of the menu, known as the 'Golden Triangle.'

This way, you'll be able to maximize revenue opportunities by subtly promoting higher-margin dishes. Here's how you can strategically place menu items for quick access:

  • A clean layout with ample white space around menu entries helps prevent customer fatigue and makes your menu more straightforward to navigate.
  • Accentuate special dishes or high-profit items using boxes, bold text, or contrasting colors to draw attention quickly.
  • Streamline your menu by offering fewer but diverse options in each category.
  • Ensure your menu design aligns with your restaurant's brand, using consistent fonts, colors, and thematic elements.
  1. Leverage Data Analytics

Analyze collected data from your queue management system to identify slow points and understand patterns contributing to bottlenecks. Here's how data analytics can make a significant difference in wait time reduction:

  • Data reveals the stages of service where delays typically occur, whether at the ordering station or the payment counter.
  • It helps you pinpoint exactly what changes will most improve the customer experience. 
  • It predicts future demand with impressive accuracy. This foresight allows you to prepare for peak times.
  • Modern data tools provide real-time insights that help you react instantly to unexpected changes in customer flow or service pace.
  1. Integrate Online and In-Store Systems

Online and in-store restaurant systems allow real-time data synchronization between online ordering platforms and physical point-of-sale systems. It helps you manage your inventory more effectively, coordinate kitchen operations, and update menus instantaneously across all platforms. 

Here's how POS integration benefits your restaurant:

  • Real-time syncing between online orders and in-store sales helps manage inventory more accurately.
  • Orders placed online can be directly fed into the kitchen's workflow without manual re-entry.
  • Customers enjoy a consistent experience, whether they're ordering from home or dining in.
  • Reservations made online update immediately in the restaurant's system and allow for real-time table management and reduced waiting times.
  • Integrating payment systems ensures that whether customers pay online, via mobile, or at the counter, all transactions are processed swiftly and securely.


As customer expectations in the restaurant industry rise, so does the opportunity for those ready to serve. Start by examining your customer experience to pinpoint inefficiencies and bottlenecks in your current operations and make small adjustments. As your budget allows, consider investing in modern restaurant technology. 

OneHubPOS integrates every aspect of restaurant management—from taking orders and processing payments to tracking inventory and scheduling staff— into one sleek platform. This means your team can work faster, serve better, and satisfy your customers. 

Curious to learn how we can help you enhance your service speed and enhance efficiency? Schedule a free demo with us and let us help you reduce your customer wait times and make it happen affordably.


How do self-service kiosks help in reducing wait times?

Self-service kiosks reduce wait times by letting customers place orders and make payments without staff assistance. They speed up the process as they distribute customer flow more efficiently across available service points.

How to deal with long waiting times?

To deal with long waiting times, appropriately analyze peak hours to staff, utilize technology like digital queuing systems, and optimize your layout to facilitate faster service. You can also consider offering entertainment or updates on wait times to enhance the customer experience during delays.

What kind of data can POS systems provide?

POS systems provide valuable data such as sales trends, inventory levels, customer preferences, and transaction histories.

Is it expensive to upgrade to a modern POS system?

Upgrading to a modern POS system can be an investment but isn't necessarily expensive. Costs vary depending on features and scale. Modern systems often pay off quickly by increasing efficiency, providing deeper sales insights, and improving customer experiences.

Can POS systems be integrated with existing software?

Yes, most POS systems can be integrated with existing software like accounting tools, inventory management systems, and customer relationship management applications.

What are the common challenges in optimizing checkout processes?

Common challenges include managing high customer traffic, preventing system errors, and ensuring data security. Training staff effectively, maintaining hardware, and choosing a POS system that handles multiple payment types can mitigate these issues.

Are there specific POS systems recommended for small businesses?

For small businesses, OneHubPOS is a popular choice due to its affordability, ease of use, and scalability. 

Sahana Ananth
Director, GTM - OneHubPOS

Sahana is a seasoned GTM leader with a passion for building startups. She excels in crafting GTM strategies for tech products, driving revenue growth.

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