Point of sale

How POS Integration Enables Seamless Mobile Ordering and Payments

Sahana Ananth
August 8, 2024
1 mins

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Mobile ordering and payment have become must-haves for restaurants. After all, everyone’s looking for quick and convenient options, and the food delivery market is booming as a result. In fact, the US online food delivery market is likely to top $500 billion by 2028. That’s huge!

So, how does this relate to POS systems? Well, when you connect your mobile ordering system to your POS, orders come in smoothly, staff can handle them efficiently, and customers get a better experience. Let’s find out why getting this integration right is more important than ever. 

Benefits of POS Integration for Mobile Ordering System for Restaurants

Integrating your restaurant mobile ordering system into your POS makes everything run more conveniently. Here’s how:

Enhanced Customer Experience

When your restaurant’s POS system connects with mobile ordering apps, customers can order right from their phones, get updates in real time, and pay quickly and securely. It makes everything faster. It also cuts down on manual entry mistakes.

Streamlined Operations

A mobile ordering system for restaurants connected to your POS helps you ditch manual data entry. So, you can avoid order mix-ups. Orders from the app go straight to the kitchen display system (KDS) through the POS, saving you time and cutting down on errors. 

Plus, everything syncs in real time. As a result, your inventory updates automatically. If something’s out of stock, your menu updates right away.

Increased Revenue

POS integration makes it super easy to improve sales and streamline orders. You can run promotions and discounts right into the app. This tempts customers to spend a little more. For instance, if someone’s ordering a burger, you might offer a discount on a meal bundle or suggest a tasty dessert. 

mPOS vs. Mobile Ordering System

mPOS systems vary significantly from mobile ordering systems. Here's a comparison table highlighting the key differences:

How POS Integration Works

POS integration links your mobile ordering app with your restaurant's POS system so they can work with each other smoothly. This usually happens through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Here’s the entire process:

  1. Your customer places an order through a mobile app.
  2. The order details are transmitted to your POS system via the API. 
  3. The POS system processes the order.
  4. The system updates inventory levels.
  5. The system manages payment transactions.

The integration ensures that all systems are synchronized and that your restaurant's operations run smoothly.

Key Components of a Successful Integration

Here are the key components a POS integration requires:

API Integration

APIs ease communication between the POS system and mobile ordering platforms. This allows a perfect data flow between systems.

Real-Time Data Sync

The POS system and mobile ordering platform must synchronize data in real time. This ensures ensure accuracy and efficiency, including:

  • order details
  • inventory levels
  • payment information

User-Friendly Interface

Both the POS system and mobile ordering platform should have intuitive interfaces. This will make it easy for staff and customers to use the systems effectively.

Security Measures

Strong security protocols help protect sensitive customer data and payment information from unauthorized access and fraud.

Implementing POS Integration in Your Restaurant

Here are the key initial steps to implement POS integration in your restaurant:

Assessing Your Current POS System

Take a good look at your current POS system to see how well it works with mobile ordering platforms and figure out if it needs any upgrades or tweaks. Also, check if it can handle real-time data syncing, support APIs, and connect smoothly with other apps. 

Choosing the Right Mobile Online Ordering System for Restaurants

When installing a mobile ordering system for your restaurant, make sure it fits what you need and works smoothly with your POS system. So, look for features like customizable menus, real-time order tracking, and secure payment processing. 

Integration Process and Best Practices

The integration process typically involves several steps:

1. API Configuration

Set up and configure APIs to enable communication between the POS system and mobile ordering platform. Plus, work with your POS provider and mobile ordering vendor to ensure proper integration.

2. Data Mapping

Map data fields between the POS system and mobile ordering platform. This helps ensure accurate data transfer. This step includes the following:

  • mapping order details
  • inventory levels
  • payment information

3. Testing

Conduct thorough testing of the integrated systems to identify and resolve any issues. Also, try out different scenarios to make sure everything works smoothly and without hiccups, such as the following:

  • order placement
  • payment processing
  • inventory updates

4. Training

Train your staff on how to use the integrated systems effectively on key aspects. Some of them are as follows:

  • order management
  • payment processing
  • troubleshooting common issues

5. Monitoring and Maintenance

Keep an eye on how well your integrated systems are working and make sure to do regular check-ups. This way, you can fix any problems quickly and keep everything running smoothly.

Options and Alternatives for Mobile-ordering Apps

When it comes to mobile ordering and payment solutions, you’ve got a few options, each with its own set of pros and cons:

Join an Order-Ahead Aggregator

An order-ahead aggregator could be a great option to get started with mobile ordering. Platforms like Grubhub or UberEats can connect you with a huge pool of potential customers to boost your reach. They make it easy to manage orders. Also, they handle everything from payments to delivery, so you can focus on serving up great food.


  • Access to a broad customer base
  • Increased visibility
  • Integrated payment processing


  • Fees and commissions
  • Less control over customer data
  • Potential reliance on the aggregator's platform

Use Your POS Provider’s White-Label App

A lot of POS providers offer white-label mobile ordering apps that you can customize with your restaurant's logo and style. For instance, with OneHubPOS white-label offerings, you get a branded app that fits right in with your restaurant’s look and feel, without needing to build one from scratch.


  • Customizable branding
  • Integration with the existing POS system
  • Potentially lower fees compared to third-party aggregators


  • Usually, limited features compared to standalone apps.

Tip: OneHubPOS offers a plethora of features, which covers everything from menu management to payments, thereby overcoming this downside.

Design a Proprietary Mobile App

Making your own mobile app for your restaurant gives you total control. As a result, you can decide over how your brand looks, what features you include, and the customer experience. You get to tailor it exactly to your needs and make sure it reflects your style.


  • Complete control over app design and functionality
  • Direct customer relationship
  • Potential for greater loyalty and engagement


  • Higher development and maintenance costs
  • The need to build and manage your own customer base

Online Ordering Systems For Restaurants: What To Look For

When choosing an online ordering system for your restaurant, consider the following key factors:


Evaluate the cost of the online ordering system. This should include the following aspects:

  • setup fees
  • subscription fees
  • transaction costs

Moreover, choose a system that fits within your budget and provide good value for the features and capabilities offered.

Ease of Use

The mobile online ordering system for restaurants should be user-friendly for both customers and staff. For this reason, look for intuitive interfaces and straightforward navigation to ensure that the ordering experience is smooth.


Make sure your online ordering system can handle the rush and keeps running smoothly even when things get busy. Check for uptime guarantees, which should be “three nines” or 99.9%. This is because it is currently considered an industry standard. Moreover, make sure you have support for peak periods to minimize disruptions.


The system should have robust security measures to protect customer data and payment information. So, you should look for the following key features:

  • encryption
  • secure payment processing
  • compliance with industry standards


Choose a provider that offers reliable customer support and technical assistance. You should also ensure that support is available whenever needed to address any issues or concerns.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface makes the experience for customers and staff better. So, you should look for systems with the following traits:

  • clean designs
  • easy navigation
  • customizable features to meet your restaurant's needs

Multi-Channel Ordering

Consider whether your chosen restaurant mobile ordering system supports multi-channel ordering, including online, mobile, and in-store options, so that your customers can order however they like, whether it's through a mobile app, online, or in-person. This can make things super convenient for them.

Payment Processing

For a smooth transaction experience, you must have payment processing that's both secure and efficient. Also, ensure that the online ordering system supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other options. 

Challenges and Solutions

Here's a brief table outlining common challenges faced during POS integration for mobile ordering and payment, along with strategies to overcome these challenges:

Future Trends in Mobile Ordering and POS Integration

The future of mobile ordering and payment solutions and POS integration is set for a major makeover. Thanks to new tech coming onto the scene. 

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI chatbots will handle customer questions and help with orders, while machine learning algorithms will dig into customer behavior to offer personalized recommendations and deals. This means better customer satisfaction and higher average order values, as it predicts what people like and suggests relevant upsells. 

2. Voice Ordering

Voice-activated ordering systems are coming in hot! Now, customers can just use smart speakers or mobile apps to place orders with voice commands. It’s all hands-free, making ordering a breeze and perfect for those tech-savvy folks who love convenience.

3. Enhanced Analytics and Data Utilization

By digging into customer data with advanced analytics tools, restaurants can really understand what their customers are into, tweak their menu, and fine-tune their marketing. Predictive analytics will let you spot trends before they hit, so you can tweak your strategies ahead of time. 

Elevate Your Restaurant Service with POS Integration 

POS integration for mobile ordering and payment solutions smooths out operations, makes your customers happier, and can increase your revenue. If you want to keep your edge in the bustling restaurant scene, getting onto POS integration capabilities is a no-brainer. 

OneHubPOS offers a flawless connection and a ton of amazing features that can seriously up your game. You’ll run things more efficiently, keep your customers smiling, and stay ahead in the market. Integrating mobile ordering and POS systems? Definitely a smart move for long-term success! Ready to transform your restaurant with powerful data insights? Book a call with OneHubPOS today.


What is POS integration?

POS integration refers to connecting a Point of Sale (POS) system with other business applications, such as mobile ordering platforms. This integration allows for smooth data exchange between systems, automating processes like order management and payment processing.

Why is POS integration important for mobile ordering?

POS integration ensures orders placed through mobile apps are directly sent to the POS system. This integration manages operations, reduces manual entry errors, updates inventory in real-time, and provides a cohesive customer experience.

How can I integrate mobile ordering with my existing POS system?

To integrate mobile ordering with your existing POS system, assess your current POS for compatibility with mobile platforms, choose a suitable mobile ordering system, and follow the integration process, which usually involves configuring APIs, mapping data fields, and testing the setup.

How do I launch my restaurant ordering page for free?

Start with OneHubPOS for just $1, which provides a cost-effective way to set up your restaurant ordering page. This low entry cost allows you to test and launch your online ordering system without significant investment.

What are the benefits of mobile payment solutions for restaurants?

Mobile payment solutions improve convenience, speed up transactions, and reduce cash management. They also enable secure payment methods and offer opportunities for integrating loyalty programs and promotions.

Are there any downsides to using an online ordering system?

A common downside is the potential for high fees and limited control over customer data. But OneHubPOS offers competitive pricing and gives restaurants full control over their customer data, ensuring better management and lower costs.

Sahana Ananth
Director, GTM - OneHubPOS

Sahana is a seasoned GTM leader with a passion for building startups. She excels in crafting GTM strategies for tech products, driving revenue growth.

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