POS Hardware

OneHubPOS Handheld POS System Keeps Your Service on Point

Sahana Ananth
September 11, 2024
1 mins

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Gone are the days when waitstaff had to move between tables and the main POS terminal. Now, everything does not need to happen at the POS counter—taking orders, sending them to the kitchen, and processing payments. So, handheld POS systems optimize cost and make your restaurant ops simpler. 

That's where OneHubPOS comes in. Your staff could be handling a dozen tables or you may have got a full house for brunch. OneHubPOS ensures every customer’s needs are met with speed and accuracy. 

This blog explores the OneHubPOS Handheld POS System and why it’s the next big thing in restaurant tech. Let’s find out more about it.

Why Opt for OneHubPOS Handheld POS System?

OneHubPOS handheld POS system

OneHubPOS is a complete service solution. The handheld POS system is compact, intuitive, and, most importantly, reliable. It brings together everything you need into one unified POS and payments platform for both your staff and customers. Here’s what it brings to the table:

Real-Time Sync

Every order, every update, every store, every employee, every payment is instantly communicated to the appropriate department. Plus, you can easily keep track of your inventory with real-time alerts to make sure you always have enough stock. 

Take Orders From Anywhere

Tableside Ordering 

With this feature, your staff no longer needs to walk back to the POS terminal to input orders. They simply do it at the table. So, minimal risk of miscommunication between the server and kitchen.

Payment Flexibility and Management

OneHubPOS payment management dashboard 

Customers can settle their bill with just a swipe, tap, or insertion of their card. Whether they’re using gift cards, mobile payments, credit cards, or contactless payments, OneHubPOS handheld POS system can handle it all. Plus, our trusted payment aggregators ensure that all customer details stay safe.

Centralized Cloud Access With Powerful Features For Your Stores

Customizable Menus

OneHubPOS menu customization 

Got daily specials or new seasonal dishes? The OneHubPOS system lets you update your menu in real-time so that servers always have the most accurate information at their fingertips. 

Quick Inventory Updation

Restaurant staff updating inventory 

You can update items in your inventory. Just scan them with a barcode scanner. A quick and easy way to add or update items instantly!

Cost-Effective Solution

OneHubPOS is a more affordable option compared to traditional POS systems. Here's how:

  • Get started with OneHubPOS at $1 for 3 months
  • Basic plan for $50/month
  • Plus plan for $235/month
  • Custom plans for unique requirements
  • One-time $1999 hardware buy
  • The lowest processing fees starting from 2.3%

As a result, more small business owners and micro-merchants can use and benefit from it.

Android Advantage

OneHubPOS Android device 

The integration with Android-based PAX devices makes it easy to use. You get built-in payment technology along with Android's powerful features and user-friendly design.

Are you one of the 40% of restaurant owners who want menu and recipe costing in your POS? OneHubPOS offers you a food cost percentage calculator to make things easier. Try it today! 

Why Handheld POS Beats the Old-School Systems

Traditional POS system

Over 60% of restaurants use at least one handheld POS terminal. Traditional POS systems might get the job done. But they are clunky and outdated. OneHubPOS handheld POS system saves you time and effort. Here's how:

  • Thanks to great mobility, no more walking between tables and a stationary terminal. Your servers can move freely, making the service flow far more efficient.
  • The speed lets orders instantly be sent to the kitchen in real-time. So, your customers get their food faster.
  • With fewer steps between the server and the kitchen, there’s less chance of errors — no more deciphering handwritten tickets!
  • As restaurant payments happen at the table, guests don’t have to wait for their server to disappear and reappear.

How It Works When the Restaurant’s Buzzing

Suppose, on a Saturday night, your restaurant is fully booked. Your servers are going between tables, taking orders, and trying to stay on top of drink refills. No handheld POS systems for restaurants would mean a lot of trips back to the central POS terminal. The result? Lots of delays and mistakes.

OneHubPOS changes the workflow completely. A server can approach a table, take orders directly into the handheld device, and those orders immediately sync with the kitchen. Need to make changes? The system updates in real-time. Customers are ready to pay? Handle that, too, right from the table. It’s smooth, fast, and error-proof. 

Big Perks of Using Handheld POS Systems for Restaurants

Here are the benefits that handheld POS systems provide for your restaurant:

1. Improved Restaurant Tableside Service

Handheld POS ordering right at the table not only speeds up service but also allows for instant order changes. Customers get a more personalized experience as they see their server taking control without disappearing to the terminal.

2. Speed and Efficiency in Order Taking and Processing

Restaurant chef going through the order details using POS system 

Quicker orders mean quicker table turnover. During peak hours, a handheld system can turn chaos into calm. Since handheld POS ordering cuts down the time between taking the order and sending it to the kitchen, it helps reduce bottlenecks and ensures a smooth operation.

3. Reducing Errors and Improving Accuracy

In a traditional system, there are plenty of opportunities for human error, such as:

  • miscommunication between servers and the kitchen
  • illegible handwriting
  • forgotten order changes

A handheld POS system solves most of these issues. It syncs orders in real-time and ensures clear communication between all staff.

4. Faster Transaction Processing

A happy customer paying the bill using a POS system 

Guests used to wait for their server to return to process payment. With handheld POS systems for restaurants, that’s a thing of the past. OneHubPOS handles guest payments directly at the table. This speeds up the process and lets your servers move on to the next table faster.

5. Enhancing Customer Experience

Faster service, fewer errors, and easier payment options all add up to a better dining experience. Happier customers are more likely to leave positive reviews, which can increase customer spending by 31%. They return for another meal and tip more generously.

How OneHubPOS Handheld POS System Keeps Restaurant Staff Happy

A happy team is a productive team, and OneHubPOS handheld POS systems for restaurants are designed to bring that about. Here’s how:

1. Ease of Use and Training

Nobody likes dealing with tricky POS technology, especially during a busy shift. OneHubPOS handheld POS system is intuitive, meaning your staff can learn it quickly and focus on serving customers. Plus, less time training means new hires can start using it from day one.

2. Reducing Workload and Stress

As it cuts out unnecessary trips to the POS terminal, OneHubPOS handheld POS system lightens the load for your staff. Servers can handle more tables with ease, reducing the stress that often comes with high-pressure shifts.

3. Increasing Tips and Job Satisfaction

With faster service and fewer manual errors, servers can handle more tables and turn them over more quickly, which often leads to higher tips. Note that tips account for up to 70% of their pay. 

Plus, when everything runs smoothly, job satisfaction increases. Your team feels more in control of their workflow, reducing burnout and making it easier for them to provide excellent service. A system like OneHubPOS, which makes their job easier, naturally boosts morale.

Try the OneHubPOS Tip Pooling Calculator for a fair and precise way to split tips between your front and back-of-house teams.

Price Check: Is It Worth the Investment?

When considering handheld POS systems for restaurants, the investment may initially seem daunting, but the ROI is fast and significant.

Initial Investment vs. Long-term Savings

Sure, there’s an upfront cost in buying the handheld POS systems for restaurants along with:

  • barcode scanners for product codes
  • receipt printers for customer receipts
  • card readers for processing payments
  • training your staff

But you can't ignore the long-term savings. For example:

  • Faster service means quicker table turnover, which directly leads to increased revenue. 
  • Fewer order mistakes translate to lower food costs. 
  • Better task management like payment processing and menu updates helps you save precious time that can be reallocated elsewhere.

Calculating ROI for Handheld POS Systems for Restaurants 

The ROI for handheld POS systems is easy to see once you start factoring in the time and cost savings. Here’s a quick way to think about it: 

  1. Handheld restaurant POS systems can help you turn tables 15-20% faster compared to those without. This translates directly into higher revenue potential. 
  2. So, if your restaurant serves 100 tables a day and speeds up turnover by just 15%, that’s 15 additional tables served daily. 
  3. Suppose your average check size is $50; this could mean an extra $750 in daily revenue. 
  4. Over a month, that’s $22,500 more!

This way, the investment in a handheld POS system often pays off in just a few months.

Why a Centralized POS with Payments is the Way to Go

OneHubPOS unifies everything under one unified POS and payments platform. So, you don't have to juggle multiple systems for ordering, payment, and customer management. 

Order Fast, Pay Easy – All in Sync

Orders are sent directly from the handheld device to the kitchen and payments are processed right at the table – all within the same system. No need for multiple software or devices. 

The fewer moving parts, the less chance of errors or miscommunication. This perfect integration eases the work for servers, kitchen staff, and managers.

Big Wins for Managers & Daily Operations

Restaurant managers love OneHubPOS handheld POS system. After all, it makes oversight simpler. You can track everything in one place — orders, payments, table turnover rates, even staff performance metrics. This is a holistic view of your restaurant’s operations. 

Then, you can make better decisions about adjusting staff schedules, modifying the menu based on order trends, or identifying your most profitable times of the day.

OneHubPOS for Faster Service & Happy Staff

OneHubPOS Handheld System is built for restaurant needs, offering real-time sync, restaurant tableside ordering, and easy integration with existing software. So, investing in it amps up service speed, cuts down on errors, and keeps staff and customers happy. 

Faster table turnover, improved customer experiences, and a more productive team – these perks make OneHubPOS the perfect solution to make your restaurant successful and handle operations in the long run. Start your OneHubPOS journey for $1.


How easy is it to train staff on the OneHubPOS Handheld System?

Training staff on the OneHubPOS handheld system is simple. The system has an easy-to-use design, so employees can learn quickly, even if they’re not tech-savvy. Most staff members can start using it after just a short training session. You can book a demo with the OneHubPOS team to know more.

Can the handheld POS system integrate with existing restaurant software?

Yes, the OneHubPOS Handheld System integrates easily with the software your restaurant is already using. This means you won’t have to change your entire setup.

What kind of support does OneHubPOS offer?

OneHubPOS offers excellent customer support. If you ever have any issues, they provide 24/7 help through email, phone, and chat to quickly solve your problem and keep your system running.

Can the handheld system handle high-volume orders during peak times?

Absolutely! The OneHubPOS handheld POS systems for restaurants are built for busy environments. They can handle high-volume orders during peak times without slowing down, ensuring fast and smooth service. 

Sahana Ananth
Director, GTM - OneHubPOS

Sahana is a seasoned GTM leader with a passion for building startups. She excels in crafting GTM strategies for tech products, driving revenue growth.

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