Restaurants Payments

Restaurant Contactless Payments: 8 Things You Need to Know

Diksha Adhikari
August 13, 2024
1 mins

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Almost 9 out of 10 Americans use digital payments these days. Thanks to these restaurant contactless payment methods, people no longer need to fuss about carrying cash or cards everywhere they go. The convenience of these methods has convinced people that going cashless will continue to stay. 

In this blog, we'll see how restaurant contactless payments work, why it is becoming customers' favorite, and what's ahead.

What are Contactless Payments?

Contactless payments are payment methods that handle transactions without actually exchanging cash or cards. Near-field communication (NFC) technology is used in contactless payments.

This technology is an upgraded version of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), the tech that's used in inventory management or keyless car entries. 

Restaurant Contactless Payment: 8 Things Restaurateurs Need To Know

Not sure of the benefits of contactless payments? Here's why you must consider it for your restaurant:

  1. Tap and Mobile Payments are Becoming the Go-to 

About 41% of consumers are set to go all-in on digital wallets by 2024. It's clear that cashless is the future of spending. People are integrating technology into every aspect of their daily routines, and managing money is no exception. 

  1. Contactless Payment are Secure

Contactless payments are super secure. With tap and mobile payments, your customers can settle their bills without ever passing their credit card to someone else, punching in a PIN, or signing a receipt.

Every time they tap to pay, their card or phone sends a unique, encrypted code to the terminal. And the best part? That code can't be used again, so there's no risk involved!

  1. Accelerate Transactions

Contactless payment employs NFC to enable payments with just a tap from a smartphone or contactless card. This quick tap not only trims down the transaction time but also keeps your customer satisfied—even during your busiest hours. 

There's less need for manual entries or physical interactions at the checkout. It means your staff can handle transactions with better efficiency. They'll have less to worry about managing cash or card swipes. 

  1. Increase Customer Spend

Nearly half of Americans reported that using digital wallets gets them to spend more when compared to using cash or cards. Without any surprise, the younger generation is more influenced, with 60% of Gen Z ending up spending more through digital wallets. 

When your customers pay through digital wallets, they don't see the cash going through their hands, so it doesn't feel heavy, as if they are spending real money. Just a few clicks, and before they know it, they've bought something. 

  1. Contactless Payment is Easy to Set-Up

Implementing contactless payment restaurant systems is very effortless. You just need to have a compatible payment processor that supports contactless transactions. 

If you're looking to integrate a seamless, robust POS system, OneHubPOS offers an all-in-one Android POS solution. Its easy-to-use and designed specifically for small restaurants to manage their day-to-day operations. 

  1. Contactless Payment Come with Low Processing Fees

Another appealing aspect of contactless payment systems is their relatively low processing fees. While traditional payment methods can often come with hefty charges, contactless technology typically offers more budget-friendly rates. 

So if you want to keep a larger portion of your revenue in your pocket rather than going towards transaction fees, switching to contactless can be a good move.

  1. Effortless Tipping with Contactless Payment Options

Restaurant contactless payment systems have cleverly adapted to ensure tipping remains straightforward, even in the swift world of tap-to-pay. Some of the systems even provide a tipping calculator to reduce the manual work for you. 

When customers use contactless methods like mobile wallets or tap cards, the payment terminal can prompt them to select a tip amount before finalizing the transaction. 

How Contactless Payments Work

Contactless payment technology lets customers pay for meals using their debit or credit cards equipped with RFID, also known as chip cards, or via other devices like smartphones and smartwatches. 

When it's time to pay, your customers simply wave their card or device near the terminal marked with a sideways wifi-like symbol. The chip in the card communicates with the terminal, and a quick beep, green light, or checkmark from the machine confirms the transaction's success.

Contactless Ways to Collect Money From Clients and Customers

While a magnetic strip or EMV chip card might take up to ten seconds to process, a contactless transaction completes in just one or two seconds. For this, you have multiple options:

  1. Contactless Plastic Payments

Modern credit and debit cards come with RFID technology—look for the small white radio waves symbol on the card. When your customer holds their card a few inches from your terminal, the embedded chip and antenna transfer the payment data in an encrypted token. 

  1. QR Codes

Your customers just scan a QR code with their phones, and it directs them to a payment portal or their mobile wallet.

  1. Mobile Wallets Like Apple Pay

With NFC technology, customers just tap their phones against the POS terminal, and the payment is processed through short-range, secure radio waves. 

  1. Online Payments

Integrating a payment gateway directly into your website streamlines customer experiences more smoothly than external services like PayPal.

  1. ACH Payments and Recurring Billing

Subscription models work great for meal kits or exclusive dining clubs, too. Set up ACH payments, and you can draw directly from customers' bank accounts.

  1. Text Your Payment

In this method, you send a payment request via text, and they can pay their bills straight from their smartphones. Super simple!

  1. Preauthorize a Transaction

Similar to tabs in a bar, preauthorization lets you hold an open payment that can adjust for final amounts. 

Implementing Contactless Payment System

Before you think of implementing a contactless payment restaurant system, you should focus on choosing the right payment system first. Here's what you should look for in a contactless payment system:

  • Security: Opt for systems that offer end-to-end encryption and tokenization.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the system can handle various payment methods.
  • Ease of use: A straightforward, intuitive interface ensures your staff and customers can use it without hassle.
  • Speed: Look for systems that process transactions quickly.

Integration with Existing POS Systems  

Merging a new contactless payment system with your current POS ensures seamless transactions by allowing data to flow smoothly between payment processing and sales recording systems. Here's how to do it:

  1. It should provide comprehensive compatibility
  2. Proper training ensures your team can handle the new system.
  3. Updating your POS to support contactless payments may also enhance its security features.

Best Practices to Ensure Security and Prevent Fraud

Contactless dinining is completely secure if you follow the below best practices:

  1. Secure Your Network and Systems

To keep your network strong and secure, you need to keep pace with the newest security updates. Maintain a regular updating routine for your systems and firewalls. 

  1. Compliance with Standards

Ensure your payment processes comply with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards). 

  1. Physical and Digital Security

Regularly inspect your devices for tampering and secure digital endpoints of your payment systems.

  1. Employee Training

Make sure your team is up to speed on the latest security must-dos and best practices. It's key they get how crucial security is right from the start.

Costs and ROI of Contactless Payments

The very first thing you need is a restaurant contactless payment machine, which usually comes with a monthly fee. Depending upon how many of them you need or whether there are big-ticket items, the cost could be added. 

Also, some providers charge authorization fees for each transaction, so keep that in mind. Apart from that, you also have a transaction fee, usually a percentage of the sale. Sure, there are some upfront costs, but think about the long-term gains—contactless payments could boost your ROI.

Future Trends in Contactless Payments

When we talk about future trends in contactless payments, biometric verification, wearables, and blockchain technology, we see them on the verge.

Biometric Verification

Biometric verification uses things like customers' fingerprints or face to make payments. Customers can simply scan their finger or smile at a camera to pay for their meal.

By using unique biometric data, it's nearly impossible for someone to replicate or steal your "payment method," unlike a credit card.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology can be integrated into contactless payment in restaurants to create a decentralized ledger for transactions. Each payment transaction is recorded as a data block and linked to previous transactions.


Ever seen someone tap their smartwatch on a reader to buy their lunch? Well, it's not only possible, but this market is already on the verge of booming. You can use your wearables, like rings and bands, to pay from your bank account.


The trend towards contactless payments continues to grow at a steady pace. If you haven't adopted this technology yet, you can get started now—it's quite straightforward to implement. Essentially, all you need is a payment terminal with contactless capabilities. 

Looking for a POS that enhances contactless payments for your restaurant? OneHubPOS might be what you're looking for. It supports diverse methods like NFC, integrating seamlessly with your system for quick, secure transactions and improving customer experience with fast, efficient checkouts.

Switch to OneHubPOS and give your customers the speedy service they deserve. Schedule a call and start today with OneHubPOS for just $1!


Are contactless payments secure?

Yes, contactless payments are quite secure. They use advanced encryption technology, similar to EMV chip transactions, which protects each transaction.

What does a merchant need to accept contactless payments?

A merchant would need a reliable POS system, a payment terminal, and compatible hardware and software systems. 

How to implement contactless payments in my restaurant?

To implement contactless payments in your restaurant:

  1. Begin by installing NFC-enabled payment terminals.
  2. Start by contacting your payment service provider to upgrade your equipment.
  3. Train your staff on the new system so that your customers get a smooth transition.
What are the costs associated with contactless payment systems?

You'll need to budget for new terminals that can handle tap payments and any software updates. There are also regular fees for processing payments, but quicker transactions and happier customers could well make up for these costs.

Do the payment terminal and the device/card need to touch?

Nope, they don't need to touch at all. Just wave your card or device a couple of inches above the terminal.

How do I know if my existing card readers can accept contactless payments?

Card readers that can accept contactless payments come with a symbol like a Wi-Fi signal turned sideways. Check for it, and you'll know.

How to encourage my customers to use contactless payments?

To promote contactless payments among your customers, highlight the speed and convenience they offer. Consider incentives like small discounts or loyalty points when using contactless methods.

What are the rules on contactless payments?

The basic rules of contactless payments are about transaction limits. For instance, if you want to make a transaction without entering a PIN, there would be a certain amount that you cannot exceed. 

Can NFC signals be intercepted?

Yes, in theory, NFC signals can be intercepted, but the practical risk is very low. NFC technology operates over a very short range—about 1.5 inches. So, a would-be thief would need to get extremely close with a scanner to capture data during a transaction. 

Is payment data safe on a mobile phone?

While losing a mobile phone might seem like a risk for mobile payment users, the security measures in place are robust. Mobile wallets require authentication, like a fingerprint or a PIN, to access payment tools.

What are the limitations of contactless payments?

While convenient, contactless payments may come with some limitations. These include technological limitations, spending limits, and accessibility.  

When and why do contactless limits matter?

Contactless limits help in security and cash management. They matter because in case you've lost a card, the other person won't be able to make large fraudulent transactions through it.

How to activate contactless payments?

To activate restaurant contactless payment, simply link your debit or credit card to a mobile wallet app like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay on your smartphone. Once added, look for the contactless symbol at payment terminals to start tapping to pay—no swiping or inserting required!

How to deactivate contactless payments?

Deactivating contactless payments is just as straightforward as activating them. Go into your mobile wallet app and remove the linked payment cards, or you can call your bank to disable the feature on your physical card.

Diksha Adhikari
Content Marketer - OneHubPOS

Diksha, a seasoned content marketer, brings hands-on experience in website management, social media marketing, and branding. Her expertise drives efffective and results-driven digital strategies.

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